Plant-based milk: American senators join forces for Dairy Pride

US lawmakers from both sides of the political divide have joined forces to protect milk naming rights from plant-based rivals.



"The Idaho senator told The Weekly Times that plant-based produce should not be able to use phrases like milk or cheese, which have a specific connection to the dairy sector. “Dairy is an essential and foundational part of Idaho’s culture and economy,” he said. “Products masquerading as genuine dairy are unjustly hurting these hardworking dairy farmers and confusing or misleading to consumers...eastAusMilk co-chief executive Shaughn Morgan said similar concerns over the rise in plant-based products using dairy phrases was of concern to Australian dairy farmers. “Dairy terms such as ‘milk’ should be safeguarded from misuse."


To read the article in full you will need a subscription to the newspaper, if you already have a subscription or wish to subscribe go to: The Weekly Times

Source: Alex Sinnott, 21 March 2023


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