The Present and Future for eastAUSmilk

As the son of a dairy farmer, I was brought up with an awareness of the day-to-day issues affecting this industry. From when I was able to attend our local branch meetings, I have always been actively involved in our organisation. Firstly, as a member, then delegate, branch president, district councillor and board member to now president of eastAUSmilk.


I enjoy being actively involved and hopefully at the end of the day I am helping make a positive difference for our dairy farmers. One thing that I do know for certain is that if we don’t have organisations like eastAUSmilk, to fight on our behalf, our dairy industry would be in a seriously worse off state. Whether it was the dollar a litre fight with the supermarkets or the now compulsory dairy code of conduct we have in place, or the many week to week issues that our organisation fights on our behalf. For example, just recently the Processors organisation has been approaching the government saying that the Dairy Code of Conduct needs to be substantially changed to allow them to reduce the price paid to farmers. Also, with the recently announced government enquiries into the supermarkets, we as farmers (not just dairy farmers) know very well the problems with trying to get anything near a realistic price for our products under the current system.


As President, I am often told that it is my task to talk the industry up. My response is fairly simple. If us as dairy farmers, are making a real sustainable living on our farms and (God forbid) even a return on our investment, that is when the industry will talk itself up.


In Australia, total milk production peaked a number of years ago at just under 12 billion litres. This year the forecast is around 8 billion litres. Australia is now a net importer of dairy products. I repeat, Australia is now a net importer of dairy products. If these facts and figures don’t bring a reality check to government and consumers, I don’t know what will. The government and banks especially need to rethink how we can finance young people to get them into the industry. If they genuinely want a dairy industry, then their approach and response need to change dramatically.


I would encourage all dairy farmers, if you are not already, to become members of eastAUSmilk, so that we can work positively together for our industry.


By Joe Bradley, eastAUSmilk President


EastAUSmilk Strengthening Representation in NSW


eastAUSmilk FNQ Trip